Yearly Archives: 2018

Unity in the Spirit

Open with prayer Unity of Christians - loving Father, we come to you this afternoon with rendered hearts and an open mind. Please I beseech you that we enter into your presence with peace and harmony as you teach us the truths of unity in the spirit. May you open up our hearts and our…
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Joy of the LORD

Joy of the LORD - Perhaps in amongst all the busyness of life in all we get involved in, there can become a challenge to find true intimacy with the LORD. Yet in all things, the LORD is looking for us to draw near to Him so that He can satisfy our innate desire to…
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Becoming a disciple of Christ is perhaps the most exhilarating adventure one can embark on. With limited knowledge and a zest to experience GOD, this is perhaps the most important and exciting time of our lives. But what do we achieve when we are young in the Lord. Nothing really makes sense does it? We…
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Our Great Mission in Christ

What is Our mission in Christ? Innate to the born again experience is something inside of us that yearns to see an end to all the evil and calamity this World finds itself in. Indeed Christ is the one who really opened up the way to see this accomplished. He did this when He took…
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